The effect of COVID-19 and the accompanying lockdown has been profound in all walks of life. The legal profession is no exception. Like most criminal defence lawyers, particularly those practising road traffic law, we have experienced a massive downturn in business as local courts close and hearing dates get delayed. And we assumed that, with fewer cars on the road, we would continue to experience a downturn over the coming months.

After all the Department of Transport has reported that motor vehicle use has fallen by two-thirds since the outbreak of the current crisis. Fewer cars on the road surely means fewer speeding drivers, right?

Wrong, apparently, if this BBC report is correct.

According to the report, our quieter roads seem to have been like a red rag to a bull. For example, Greater Manchester Police report more than 6,200 cases of speeding since the beginning of lockdown. That represents an increase of 57%, notwithstanding the reduced amount of cars on the road. Similarly, instances of (alleged) speeding have almost doubled on Lincolnshire’s roads. There are no reported speeding figures in Scotland but Police Scotland stated that over the Easter period between 10 and 14 April, 16 people were found [allegedly] committing drink or drug-driving offences (which actually sounds quite low to me!)

It is not often I find myself agreeing with the police but it is hard to argue with Superintendent Julie Ellison of Greater Manchester Police when she wrote:

At all times road safety in and around Greater Manchester is of paramount importance as speeding can have devastating consequences – not only does it increase the risk of collisions occurring, but it can affect the severity of those that do take place and in the worst case scenario can be fatal.

“In this current climate, keeping the pressure off our emergency services is so important whilst they keep the public safe and well. If someone is speeding and they have a collision, this will take up vital resources including NHS, fire and the police.

So, to all those speeding drivers out there, please slow down. The last thing our NHS needs is extra, avoidable, work. And the last thing our police officers need to be doing is scraping a 150mph motorcyclist off the road. On a personal note, to the selfish sod in Johnstone, Renfrewshire who thinks its fine to scream through a public park on his dirtbike – I take my children there so no it isn’t. I

One final thing though. The defence lawyer in me can’t end a blog like this without saying that these are allegations. Nothing against any of these drivers has yet been proved in a court of law and yet the police speak as if these allegations are established fact. Speed detection technology can get it wrong. If you don’t believe me, check out this blog here (and don’t let the fact that I am referencing myself to support my arguments get in the way).